I started my cloth diapering stash with a good cross-section of styles, fits and brands to determine what I liked and didn’t like about cloth diapering. I felt that even if I wasn’t crazy about any of the diapers I tried, I would at least have some direction as to what I liked and didn’t like and could then go from there to find “the perfect diaper.” However, in my experience thus far, there is no perfect diaper because your (and your child’s) cloth diapering needs change with each stage. I have found what I thought were the perfect diapers only to have something change with my daughter that sent me reaching for something different in my stash or a new purchase all together. Allow me to take you on my journey.
I started with a
Perfect Size Fuzzi Bunz, a
Bum Genius 3.0, a
Bum Genius Organic AIO and a
Happy Heiny. From the very beginning the
Bum Genius 3.0 was my absolute favorite. It was easy to use, didn’t leak and was trim and adorable. The
Bum Genius Organic AIO worked well and was easy to use, but I didn’t like the fact that the moisture stayed close to my daughter’s young, tender skin. The
Fuzzi Bunz was cute and didn’t leak, but seemed bulky and the
Happy Heiny, though I really liked it, leaked often.
Fast forward about 6 months (my daughter was then about 10 months old), I had introduced some new diapers to the mix and shifted my go-to choices around a bit. The
Bum Genius 3.0’s were still a heavy favorite.
Fuzzi Bunz became her naptime diaper because they don’t leak and their inner lining is a soft fleece that just seemed like something I would want to be wrapped in while sleeping. Since my daughter was a bit older and a little more rough-and-tumble the moisture against her skin bothered me less so I really came to love the ease of use of the
Bum Genius Organic AIO. I introduced a couple of Blueberry diapers with snaps which I loved because of their designs, fabrics and bulletproof wear, but I still really preferred aplix over snaps on a squirmy baby.

By the time my daughter was about 16 months things took a dramatic turn! She discovered the fun of aplix and diaper removal! Even with pants on over her diaper she would undo the aplix resulting in either the best case scenario of Mommy discovering a diaper peaking out at her ankles or the worst case of leaks and messes when I didn’t discover it soon enough. Thus began the search for any and all diapers with snaps. I added a Smartipants and a
Kissaluvs Marvel AIO. At this point
Bum Genius hadn’t come out yet with snaps and I was eagerly awaiting them! I sadly shelved my BG 3.0’s and relied solely on my snaps stash. I really like the trimness and functionality of the Smartipants and they have a great price point, but I would love more color options and prints. The
Marvel AIO is a solid diaper, but it can be a little bulky in the rear and, though minor, I just don’t like the tag sticking out in the back. What I will say about these two diapers, however, is that I LOVE the fact that I can toss them in the wash without pulling out an insert. The laundry feature of the
Marvel AIO, in particular, is incredible. It combines the best of a
pocket and
AIO, by turning itself inside-out in the wash eliminating the need to remove the insert to wash AND having the insert still attached so you don’t have to search for it when it comes time to stuff. In the beginning this seemed like it wasn’t so much of a big deal, but a year and a half later, and who knows how many loads of laundry, this seems like sheer BRILLIANCE!
A year and a half later my cloth diaper journey continues. I have just ordered the new
Bum Genius 4.0 and I will be trying a
Rumparooz G2 for the first time. I’m excited to see what they have to offer, but my laziness has me searching for that diaper with the easy wash-toss and re-stuffing capabilities. I haven’t tried it because it only comes in aplix, but if the
Tot Bots Easy Fit came in snaps could it be the one? I’m still hopeful that I might just find “the perfect diaper” to take us through the various stages and issues that can pop up, but in the mean time I have built a very diversified stash that can handle just about any obstacle that comes my way.
By Jennifer G.
I had to laugh when i read about your 16-month old daughter discovering aplix removal--that was about the same age my son did, too! made for some hilarious moments and some frustrating ones too. i found that if he wore a onesie at all times, he couldn't get to the aplix. Problem solved! thanks for sharing your journey! :)
Wow, this post mirrors my experience so well! I have also found that certain diapers worked best at certain times and I'm really glad I have a variety to reach for. Thanks for your great description of diapering a growing, changing, baby!
We have Tots Bots and they're easily our favorite for our 16 mo. old! He can get out of the other velcro closure diapers easily but has difficulty undoing their velcro.
I'd say try the Tots Bots because their velcro is pretty strong, although I can't speak to how quickly it wears out as we've only been CDing for 3+ months.
Nappies, now there's something I know nothing about.
hey, thanks for visiting us in Malaysia. Meow to you!
I began with cloth the exact same way. I went crazy on some FSOT boards and got a huge mish mash of diapers. After finally doing some research I realized I just didn't like half of them, and honestly I have about 1 diaper left from my original 50- how bad is that??? lol
As much as I'd love to have a nice uniform stash I use different diapers for different times. We've got our at home diapers, our "let the butt breathe" diapers, going out diapers, babysitter diapers, night diapers, and of course the "expecting a huge blowout" diapers LOL!
Oh, and I hear ya on the aplix removal- mine started that at 11 months! Luckily he hasn't figured out how to do it under clothes!
Good to know I am not the only one who has a mixture of diapers. However, I do have to say that I think that BabyKicks nailed it with the 3g Bumboo! I am in love with that diaper and think that it is the best all around diaper out there to date!
I love this post! I must say though, our son (14 months) has been removing both snaps and aplix diapers without a problem since about 10 months!
i love love love blueberry coveralls! pair it with a prefold and pins/snappi and its my go-to diaper. i wish i had more [i only have one.] the aplix is strong, esp. at first! and it holds in a blowout better than duct tape wrapping a water balloon!
in the morning im tired and lazy, so i use my aplix BG 3.0s, or my grovia aplix [which doesnt hold well, but it works.] i also use my [free] cutey baby in the morning or whenever im lazy, it holds everything in well, and the aplix is nearly impossible for ME to get off, but its a weird fit at the waist and the way the aplix is kinda bother me.
i use a flat with my thristies, but the aplix is VERY weak. i only use them when im only expecting pee. this and a prefold with the blueberry are my day diapers.
i have a flip cover with snaps that i use with flats or pre-folds and only when i expect pee and usually only at naps, SOMETIMES when going over friends/family houses.
my bg 4.0 snaps are held specifically for laundry days cause they holds everything in and the snaps dont come undone when crawling...i dont need the extra bit of effort picking out pet hair from velcro or unsticking her from the couch while im busy measuring detergent and remembering if its my first rinse or second rinse and did i remember to add the detergent? aw, i meant to add vinegar, too!
my going out diapers are my BG 3.0 aplix and my grovia aplix because i need it fast and simple when on the run!
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