Friday, October 31, 2014
Fluff Friday 307
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My son is 20 months and we have been introducing the potty for the past few months. Starting to get serious with the training soon though be au she is definitely catching on.
We started introducing the potty around 18 mths, and have gradually started adding it in more and more. She is 22 mths but doesn't seem super interested in it. She says potty, pee, and poop. She knows when she has to poop, but I don't think she is ready to be completely potty trained. We are trying to help her become interested in it, without pushing a stubborn toddler and having her balk on using it. LOL
it always depends on when the child is showing signs of readiness. prob start introducing after 2 years old and work at training by 2.3 to 3 years
I think we are going to try in the spring when it's warm, so he will be like 2 1/4.
I introduced the potty to my baby at 3 days old :) these trainers look awesome!
I plan on following my daughter's lead!
We've got a potty, age 2, but only sitting on it clothed right now lol
We usually introduce the concept around 18 months and see how they take to it before going "hard core"
Hopefully I will start potty training my 2 year old soon and would love this!
My 19-month old is learning how to use the potty, much earlier than her brothers!
My girl is already been working on potty training. She's 2.5yo now but became interested just before her 2nd birthday. So we've been taking it slowly as she has interest. Just added a new baby to the family so I'm not pushing it. She knows what to do and will do it when ready.
Probably start to get her interested at around 2 1/2, but we'll see - she's only 5 months at the moment!
I am introducing the potty around 18 months, though I'm not expecting my little ones to be trained that early- we'll see how it goes!
My dd is 22 months old and we are currently introducing the potty to her. Her big brother is potty trained during the day but no quit potty trained at night time
Hoping to gently introduce the potty at about 12 months following the recommendations of the Montessori Method. No coercion, no bribing, no pressure, just asking baby if he'd like to use the potty around diaper changing time.
We intro'd the potty in the 12-18 month range.... my 4-year old still won't use it, though!
Introduce? I don't know...probably by 18 months or so. But I certainly wouldn't push it yet.
We just started with my son at 22 months!
Would to try these. I love the nighttime ones.
I introduced my son to the potty the Christmas before he turned 2. He's 3 and not quite potty trained yet.
-Patricia B-
Started at 6 months
My toddler is two and half and we've started introducing the potty but not pushing it.
My 25 month old is day trained and has been for a few months, but we could really use these for naptime and nighttime! Thanks!
I am thinking about introducing the potty around 15-18 months. We will see what happens! :)
I plan to do it around 3.
We are potty training our 3 year old now.
Drooling over these!
We typically introduce the concepts as early as 11-12 mo but let them take the lead amd follow their cues.(all of our kids are about 2years apart so even the babies have exposure and familiarity very early on) At the moment we have our 3.5 y/o who has been fully day trained for over a year but is a super heavy sleeper and misses her body's cues at nighttime (thus wet sheets most mornings). Our 24 month old has also decided that he is ready for daytime training-but on the toilet and NOT the potty.....he hates that thing. Lol
A pair of trainers like this would be a godsend!!!
I plan to introduce the potty around 2, unless she's not ready.
I will start as soon as she's 18 months and showing interest
I let my daughter enjoy the bathroom by making her comfortable in the surroundings. I have no defined goals or deadlines.
We first introduced before 2 but got serious around 2.5 when there was interest.
I plan to start potty training as soon as my boy is ready. He is 22 months now and has no interest so far.
We had the potty around since my daughter was 15 months. It has been used some and we hope to officially start potty training very soon (she is almost 2 1/2 now).
Potty time is fun in our house! I believe in introducing it early and often.
1 and 1/2!
Around his 2nd birthday I plan to start potty training
age 3
Jr. 1.0 is almost 2, and is forever asking to use the big boy potty. I think we'll be starting soon, as I am finally able to lift more than 20lbs (being postpartum with Jr. 2.0).
We usually start trying to set them on the potty around 1 1/2 or sooner if they show interest! We don't pressure them though, we have learned from experience that they won't go until they are ready!!
jbang0331 at yahoo dot com
we are at 23mo & started w. the potty a little while ago. she does pretty well but super undies would def help w. the ooosie moments
I've potty trained 6 so far and I introduce the potty around 2 1/2.
I don't necessarily pick a certain age as I do just wait until I see the signs that they are ready to start potty training. Typically around 2 1/2. But has varied for each child
I'd probably start thinking about it at age two - maybe sooner if he seems interested
I plan on introducing the idea of potty training around the age of 2, or whenever she shows signs of interest.
I put a little potty in the bathroom when my son was 20 months old. It's been in there for 3 months now, we'll ask if he wants to use it but haven't started insisting on it. Occasionally he'll show interest, but he doesn't seem quite ready yet. He loves the praise he gets when he's successful, but so far he's only realized when he's already gone in the diaper, not before he needs to go.
I haven't really given it a lot of thought yet. I guess I will start showing her the potty after she starts walking.
My son is 2.5 and would go on the potty once a day and then we had my daughter who is now 4 months. He is not interested in it anymore. I am going to start potty training in January.
We are in the middle of potty learning now! She is 2 1/2. She introduced the potty to her when she was 18 months.
We will be introducing the potty around 18 months and hopefully by 30 months he is potty-learned. We don't push it, but the potty will be there when he is ready!
My son was 3 in May and my husband has had it with him being in diapers, so he is now pretty much potty trained during the day while at home. He will only use his little potty chair tho, so I can't leave undies on him when we're out and about yet.
I have already started sitting him on the potty peridoically at 15 months. However I plan to start potty training when he is 18months.
Two and a half to three. I'm waiting for my child to let me know. I tired pushing potty training at two and half as the doctors and preschools wanted me with my older kids and it took forever to potty train them. This time I am waiting until my child is ready not when its convenient for others.
My son is 19 months and I plan to introduce it soon so he can get used to it, even though I don't think we'll seriously give it a go for several more months at least.
I start potty training, when my kids become interested... Generally around 2-3 years old...
we introduced it at 18m
18 months
My son is two & before his 2nd birthday he started potty training himself. I put him on the potty to run up the stairs and get a new diaper, by the time I got back down he had pee'd and he caught on! still has accidents sometimes but hes done well.
I will introduce the potty around 18 months. Maybe sooner if ds is showing interest.
I already introduced and my son has already learned, but after a stint in children's for kidney issues he is on medicine that isn't letting him hold his bladder all night. I was hoping these might help.
Next summer when my son is 2 1/2#
I will start to introduce the potty to my son around 18 months so that way he will hopefully be fully potty trained by the time he is 2.
i'm hoping to potty train between age 2 and 3
We've not there yet (since I think we need to master walking before we tackle potty training), but we're planning to introduce the potty fairly early but not push it and follow her lead as to when she is ready for it.
We don't set an age for potty training. Instead we look for signs of readiness.
When he shows interest in it
We just started potty training!
My baby is 3 months old and we practice EC. He goes on the potty every day and although he still wears a diaper, he definitely prefers the potty!
I am planning to start using potty very soon now, the little one is 9 months. I am buying one next week:)
We plan to introduce the potty around 20 months!
i plan on doing cloth diapers for my second child due in feb. really excited about it. :)
We're trying again at 2 1/2
It's not going so smoothly
We're trying again at 2.5
it's not going so well
We started at 18 months :)
I introduce the potty whenever my child starts showing interest which has usually been around 1st bday as soon as they start walking! My 3 kids have all started using the potty before their 2nd bdays!
I am planing on starting around 16m
The first time I waited way TOO long
I don't know when I will introduce the potty since I'm just now pregnant with my first child!
2 yrs, my second daughter is just getting introduced to it now. My oldest was 3 yrs, but is special needs, but is now trained.
We introduced the potty to our son when he was really young. Basically when he could sit up, we put him on it. We practiced eliminication communication. Planning on doing it with our next baby too (due 2/2015).
I plan to introduce my child to potty training around the 1 year mark.
We just started potty training my so. Who is two and a half. No luck yet but his baby sister has been using the potty from months!
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